Part 3. Barrie Trower – Lecture / Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers – part 3 of the lecture ‘The Truth about 5G and Wi-Fi’, held on February 3, 2020, physicist Barrie Trower revealed his findings on 5G, ICNIRP, WHO, top secrets, military, industry, governments, Wi-Fi, blue light, cell phones, children at risk, brain cancer, heart attacks, schools, trees, birds, bees, fishes, and… the abyss, if 5G will not be stopped.

Video: Lecture. Subtitles available: 11 / click settings below the video, on YT

The text of the lecture, part 3, follows below the video.



Attention: the time mentioned in the following transcript is corresponding with the real time in the video, as has been published on YouTube. The video published in this post is starting exact on the moment of the words in the transcript, at 00:04.

Questions and Answers

1:32:44 / 00:04

Barrie Trower:

There is a gentleman who asked very very early, he has a desperate questionJonathanto do with eyes.


It’s about the 5G infrastructure and part of that is going to be LED street lighting. There is in America a research and lighting design mathematician who says that LED in the form of new street lights and car headlights is going to cause irreparable damage to anyone’s eyesight because LED light is rather like a laser light, generated from a flat projector and have a beam like capability. Could you talk about the health concerns in respect of LED light and how it might affect the optics?

Barrie Trower:

Well, I will go as far as I can. Yes, to eye damage, yes to skin-cancer. that’s documented.
Blue light: I’m assuming the blue light you’re looking at is 450 to 500 nanometres. There are radiation sensors, ganglions, on the sides of the eyes. The full function isn’t fully understood but it is known they pick up radiation and they send it back to the brain.
Blue light is also known to go to the retina at the back of the eye. It is known to go to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus has special enzymes. The enzymes in the molecules or the cells in the hypothalamus in the brainit is known that when, under normal conditions without blue lights, they travel to the outside of the molecule, or the outside of the cell, there’s a chemical reaction, I don’t know what it is, but then they come back. The complete cycle takes 24 hours.
Blue light is known to slow this down by up to 2 hours a day. The hypothalamus controls the internal circadian resonant frequencies, our internal clocks. The hypothalamus is also connected to the pituitary which releases hormones and can be responsible for behaviour. That is as far my knowledge goes, but I’m just going to throw this out: are there any medical professionals here, I would like to know, if you slow down the hypothalamus for up to 2 hours a day and and it is continuous, is there any medical professional here that could enlighten me and everybody, on any knock-on effect for organs or whatever it is I don’t know about?

Person 2:

I am doing mental health studies in Malta and they did various studies and we had what we call blue rooms, mood rooms, which you were stating there with a mitochondrial and pituitary gland and around that area, and they found that there was mood suppressor and people got not depressed but you could stabilize the mood but it slowed also the functions of the mind.

Barrie Trower:

So what we’re saying, because they couldn’t hear us back, it will change moods and suppress processes in the mind.

Person 2:


Barrie Trower:

Could ask something else sir, please, how—we’re all adults and we have mechanisms—how could that affect sort of an … I’m thinking of a teenager who is adolescence and probably is not in full control of her emotions or moods. Could you guess or give a professional opinion of how that would affect an adolescent?

Person 2:

I’m not quite on that level and I’m going back five years study.

Barrie Trower:

But it certainly would affect the stability of the mind anyway.

Person 2:

It does. My son is eight years old he next week [….] primary school. I have noticed mood change due to Wi-Fi activity there. [….impossible to detect and analyse the words…]

Barrie Trower:

Can I just add one thing to that? I do know that in China they have opened up medical blocks now for this specific thing. For children and mood changes. And the professor has written a brilliant paper, I can’t remember his name, and in the clinics right across China, the youngest child he is treating is two, for addiction and mood behaviour.

Person 3:

To the audience: put your hands up if you are now suffering from tinnitus. Now, we weren’t five years ago, but you’re now suffering from tinnitus. Put your hands up.
Right. Everyone can look around, how many people is that?
That’s 20%, 30% of the audience.

Person 4:

I have two questions. You said there were three organisms that were immune for electromagnetic radiation and you said one was bacteria, what were the other two?

Barrie Trower:

Ah! They’re called tardigrades. NASA has beamed them into space and brought them back and they’ve just come out of their little cocoon and thought, well, that was a nice rest. They seem impervious to everything and the other, bacterium thrive, and the other was scorpions.

Person 4:

The other thing was, the microwave technology, was it actually being […] in the 50s and 60s, was it worked on by ARPANET, US ARPA net, the defense, the defense people?

Barrie Trower:

I’m sorry I can’t understand the question. In the 50s and 60s it was worked on by?

Person 4:


Barrie Trower:


Person 4:

ARPA, they were, did the defense….

Barrie Trower:

I don’t know I am sorry.

Person 4:

You told you were working at the cold war microwave—

Barrie Trower:

By 1949 they knew the brain frequencies and they were changing behaviour, just by beaming microwaves into animals and human brains. The only organizations I know are the Soviets, the CIA, we[Britain, Admin] but I don’t know that particular acronym, sorry.

Person 5:

Thank you for the evening presentation. I just wonder, is there any truth in the idea that this is also not just about money but a weapon of war and an idea of depopulation, which is their intent?

Barrie Trower:

That is a particularly… is it a deliberate method of depopulation or a method of war. You’ve heard of HAARP, in Alaska, that can be used, I’m not saying it is or has, it can be used, because the microwaves can be any frequency and they only need to turn it in, to tune it to a brain frequency and it can be bounced or reflected off of the ionosphere[part of the atmosphere where the tens of thousands of 5G satellites are being orbited, Admin], which is hydrogen and helium, down to any part of the planet. There isn’t 1 HAARP, there are 16 around the planet. They can be used to change weather, they can be used for bacterial warfare. I can’t go into how and why now: they can be used to cause illness, but yes they have been used, the Soviet microwaves and the Americans, recently in one country: the American Embassy was microwaved in Cuba. We [the British army,  Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services, Admin] have microwaved the Catholics in Northern Ireland[Statement by Barrie Trower, video, Admin]. The Americans microwaved the ladies at Greenham Common[year 1984, see article 1, see article 2], to give them cancer, to make them sick.

But now, and I am not going to mention the country or the countries—why I like this: because I would like this to go out and I would like the people to take notice in these countries. I know one country from my travels where there is a very heavy, I think there are about two million, Muslim populations, the density of Muslims and the concentration of towers is within there. There are other areas of the planet where the extremely wealthy—and I’m not trying to start a civil war here—but they are exempt microwaves in their areas. There are areas of the planet where particular densities of poor—and I’ve been to them and I’ve fought a case for them and we won, and I have the King backing me—where the transmitters were always put in the poorest densest areas. So, you could argue that, but whether it is deliberate: I’m not in the mind of the decision-maker.

Person 6:

speaks to the audience: You know they’re doing small cells, 5G small cells every hundred, every […] and if you thought of it the other way, not the faster downloads speeds, so if you thought of it you had an AK-47[known as a Kalashnikov, Admin] on every street corner, you might think again about 5G.

Person 7:

I was living in Bristol which is a 5G test city, and it gave me cancer on my skin and I nearly lost my vision. It made me extremely fatigued over and over in years and I tested the environment with a calibrated device and it’s exposure levels are horrendous. So I left my whole life behind. My question to you would be: how do we protect ourselves from this stuff. I mean, I’m seeing a lot of products on the market like Blushield and stuff like that, but these things actually work, and first areas they’re nothing to save from 5G, if we don’t get it stopped.

Barrie Trower:

Protection. It can be very, very costly. As far as we know at the moment —and they all say—well that is a brilliant question, and I only had the information, some of the information, yesterday, from China. The new 5G, whether it is 5G or 6G, and I can’t get my brain around why they’re doing this at the moment, but a university has developed the 5G beam that will penetrate the metal casing on a cellphone. And my first thought was, well, if it can do that to the casing of a cell phone, what will it do to you eyes or your skin, and what is the purpose behind it.

But at the moment 5G: you won’t pick up on any of your Acoustimeters anyway[Dr. Martin L. Pall explained in this interview that it is impossible to measure 5G radiation, because not any device to measure it exists, and if, once, it will be too expensive, Admin]. The mathematics for the beam is so complex that I don’t know a mathematician in the world that can actually decipher what is actually inside the beam. There are many hundreds of frequencies being tested and tried. I don’t know a single safe one. I can’t think of any form of screening that will stop 5G, unless…. Again, ES-UK, they have a directory of I think 350 items, something like that, on their website that may stop different G’s, I don’t know. 5G will not penetrate far into the house. It can be stopped by walls unless they put a metal bid in, but 5G is having a carrier wave that will take it further. It’s penetrative power is not strong when it comes to buildings and trees, but they are using carrier waves namely 3G or 4G, 700 megahertz, to bring it further into the house. But it is designed to marry up and work with smart meters, and the Wi-Fi, and everything else. So, at the moment, until 5G is established, we don’t know how to block it. Because they haven’t produced it. It’s like saying: we want a bulletproof jacket but we haven’t made the bullets. Until you’ve made the bullets, you won’t know what works.

Person 8:

[It is impossible to detect and analyse the words, Admin].

Barrie Trower:

If I were a decision maker, a counsellor or school gov—I’m thinking of me—and somebody said: I want you to sign here. because this is coming on your land, your territorial property, I would say, very simply: “Give me the research paper. If I’m the signatory, I take responsibility and under this law it is the principle who pays the costs. If I’m signing for this, give me a research paper that says pregnant women, the animals, the trees, children, will be unharmed for the duration that they are in front of it. Give me one research paper. I will send it for independent peer-review to Nature publications or a top-rate journal and I will see what their reply is. And they will come back and say this: “There is no safe level for a child, ever.” But I would safeguard myself, and I am not saying this as a threat, but I get a lot of counsellors and legal people coming to my house saying: “Can we take the council[could also be counsel, Admin] to court under civil law?” And I don’t know, but the pot is boiling and if I were a decision maker I would want something cast iron[rock solid, Admin] to give this to me. I will make my own decision. I will not be bullied.

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Multerland is a blog about care for nature, natural health, holistic medicine, holistic therapies, deep ecology, sustainability, climate change, life processes, psychology, spirituality, and awareness. Since 2017 only articles about the hidden dangers of wireless and cell phone radiation have been published. Since April 2023 a new branch has been added: "Sustainable Politics". URL:
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4 Responses to Part 3. Barrie Trower – Lecture / Questions and Answers

  1. Pingback: Part 1. Barrie Trower – Lecture: ‘The Truth about 5G and Wi-Fi’ | Multerland

  2. Pingback: HAARP | Multerland

  3. Pingback: HAARP, and the Havana Syndrome | Multerland

  4. Pingback: Noam Chomsky on cellphones and IoT | Multerland

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