Archive 2020


  1. Smart meters in Norway – lessons about radiation
  2. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – January 2020 – Edition 1
  3. Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland – electromagnetic sensitivity
  4. 5G Propaganda WITHOUT Data
  5. The link between electromagnetic radiation and illnesses
  6. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – January 2020 – Edition 2
  7. Reblogged: Appeal by Astronomers
  8. Former ICNIRP member advocates that wireless must get a more stringent cancer risk class 
  9. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – January 30, 2020



  1. Hygiene: how to wash hands in the right way
  2. The Age of Aquarius
  3. ICNIRP in India
  4. Windows 10 corrupts LAN-port in laptops
  5. Grigoryev, Oleg Alexandrovich – Chairman RusCNIRP
  6. Evidence based science or prostitution?
  7. Three-year moratorium on 4G + and 5G in Geneva, Switzerland



  1. How safe are we?
  2. “New” ICNIRP commission: 2020 – 2024
  3. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – March 7, 2020
  4. The founding chairman of IRPA was Michael Repacholi
  5. The Forgotten Pollution
  6. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – 26 March 2020
  7. ¤  Newsletter International Appeal – 26 March 2020 – More Satellites Launched
  8. 5G, Coronavirus and ICNIRP



  1. Corona-check via magnetism
  2. Open letter to the BBC technology desk operator
  3. Hypothesis versus Conspiracy
  4. Pro and Con 5G Rabble Rousing
  5. Louis Slesin: “Disband ICNIRP!”
  6. Mass Bird Mortality: Facts and Falsehoods
  7. The World Foundation for Natural Science talks with Dr. Barrie Trower



  1. Newsletter – The World Foundation For Natural Science:  How the fifth generation wireless standard 5G contributes to the corona pandemic
  2. Science is dead, long live “Frankenstein Science”
  3. Nature, the scientific journal



  1. Science divided on radiation 5G
  2. 5G in Russia – оружие массового поражения ~ 5G – weapons of mass destruction
  3. 5G and Twitter
  4. 5B versus 5G
  5. Peer reviewed 
  6. ICNIRP’s Eric van Rongen lies about 5G 
  7. Pseudoscience
  8. Stop 5G Activism
  9. Dreamed a dream



  1. Does Covid-19 cause diabetes type 3 -Alzheimer’s Disease- ?
  2. ICNIRP guidelines do not protect against harmful health effects
  3. Netherlands: Frequency auction 5G started despite serious warnings and new critical report on ICNIRP
  4. Andrew Goldsworthy about 5G, and Covid19
  5. City, Corona, Countryside and….. Commonland
  6. ICNIRP’s new chair: Rodney James Croft
  7. RusCNIRP versus ICNIRP
  8. Scientific Misrepresentation: 5G, Conflicts of Interest, ICNIRP and WHO
  9. Russia: WiFi and Smartphones Banned From Schools
  10. Russia: Requirements for online learning at home (children)
  11. USA: Government and industry combine to downplay the science on cell phone danger
  12. 5G: “In the end we will all suffer”
  13. Russian propaganda



  1. Prostate cancer, rectal cancer and EMF
  2. 5G Wireless Deployment and Health Risks: Time for a Medical Discussion in Australia and New Zealand
  3. Puzzling with Covid-19 facts
  4. The out-of-control 5G satellite industry
  5. Are anti 5G activists cowards?
  6. 5G Space Wars
  7. ICNIRP’s neutrality is a lie
  8. The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority hires unscrupulous experts



  1. Astronomers Slam SpaceX’s Growing Starlink Satellite Constellation
  2. How the future scientists behave, or… why industrial science is rotten
  3. Climate Changes and Satellites’ Constellations
  4. Federal Officials Are Challenging the FCC on 5G
  5. Part 1. Barrie Trower – Lecture: ‘The Truth about 5G and Wi-Fi’
  6. Part 2. Barrie Trower – Lecture: ‘The Truth about 5G and Wi-Fi’
  7. Part 3. Barrie Trower – Lecture / Questions and Answers
  8. Professor Yuri Grigoriev, former chair RusCNIRP
  9. Book: Cellphone and Health – Yuri B. Zubarev



  1. 5G [and 4G-LTE]: Effects on Eyes and Skin
  2. 5G: Open letter to ICNIRP
  3. Trapped into an invisible death



  1. About 5G antenna law ~ Did you know?
  2. EHT: Letter to the UN Secretary-General and Office of Ethics



  1. Karel Husa ~ Apotheosis of this Earth / Activism in Music’
  2. ICNIRP – EMF Slide Show by Mike Repacholi (2007)

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