Traditional Chinese Medicine

Update: August 4, 2020

This page belongs to the blog post: The Forgotten Pollution


Expanding our western horizon

In order to understand Rein André Roos’s two studies about the climate change, viruses and 5G, when he uses symbols or words from the Traditional Chinese Medicine point of view, it is not only important but also very interesting to draw the line of our on the West focused horizon to the Far East.


The bridge over the enormous gap, and the misconception of the term “traditional”

It takes more time to make the step from our mainstream healthcare ideas, beliefs and dogmas, than to fly with an air plane to China. But I try it anyway to create the digital bridge between Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine, in this summary.

A first step is to understand that, when you consult your general practitioner, your doctor, you experience our western medicine system: Traditional Western Medicine. I added the term traditional on purpose. Traditional means: according to where we are used to, in this case, to western healing methods and medicine. The base of this western system is to treat the symptom, not the cause, because time is part of the economy in the west, the illness has to be stopped as soon as possible. Treating the symptom works very quickly, but it does not heal the cause, and reason why on the longer term western medicine creates more patients, than it heals, while it becomes more and more expensive.


The forgotten sources

That what the West, western doctors, name traditional medicine, or alternative medicine, is in fact the in the West forgotten medicine, the forgotten knowledge of, on the deeper understanding of nature and on that knowledge based healing methods, which do not treat the symptom, but the cause. That can take more time in the very beginning, because of searching for the cause, and taking the necessary natural time to heal, but on the long term it saves time, and one is really healed, at least better than before, and knowing how to keep the balance, or the best possible balance.

Attention: pharmaceutical products, used in western medicine, are derived from the knowledge of plants used in plant medicine, practised in the West during the Middle Ages, by monks, who cultivated the medicinal herbs in their monastery gardens. They educated others and wrote books about it. Hildegard von Bingen, a female monk, is an excellent example. The pharmaceutical industry took over their knowledge and named that, what they copied and pasted, pseudo medicine, with other words: modern medicine —though they who studied and practice it deny it— is based on what they name pseudo science, while that, the science of the monks, was a complete science, considering the human being as a wholeness, not as a collection of independent organs and systems —the whole is greater than the sum of the parts— with a specialized doctor for each organ and each system. It might be obvious, after this explanation, who exactly the pseudo scientists are. If you do not know the answer, please read this summary again. In case you really don’t know: modern medicine needs to find its roots back, its forgotten sources.


The education behind Traditional Chinese Medicine

Those who practice Traditional Chinese Medicine have finished exactly the same university studies as doctors who work with the western medicine, but they studied even more: e.g. the healing effects of medicinal plants, herbs, acupuncture [see video below, or playlist], or Tui Na massages [see video below the former one]. Since acupuncture has an immediate effect on the natural electrical system of the human body, it is an utterly interesting and important healing method within the context of EMF, of man-made electromagnetic fields, and the by these created disharmonies in the human body.

Update: The term Traditional Chinese Medicine is confusing because of the term “traditional”, and therefore used by mistake in the Wikipedia article about the Coronavirus. The Wikipedia contributors of that page are obviously ignorant about the difference between TCM and folk medicine and reason why on the page about SARS-CoV-2 (virus) – COVID-19 (disease) they write in the chapter: Reservoir and zoonotic origin: “Pangolins are protected under Chinese law, but their poaching and trading for use in traditional Chinese medicine remains common in the black market.” The term “traditional Chinese medicine” is absolutely wrong within this context and should be changed into Chinese folk medicine, because TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, is a university study, and does not work with products derived from animals. Those who graduate at these universities are doctors of mainstream medicine, who next to this study also studied the official Traditional Chinese Medicine, and graduated in that as well. The understanding of all disciplines belonging to Traditional Chinese Medicine, goes much deeper than mainstream medicine. The Wikipedia contributors should have used the term: folk “medicine”. Folk “medicine” has passed on through history, in all parts of the world, in all kinds of civilizations and cultures, from generation to generation, and has degraded during the ages because of the downfall of cultures and great civilizations, by all kinds of wrong influences and wrong interpretations into a soup of myths, shamanism, paganism, religion, black magic, conspiracy, a flawed knowledge of herbs and mostly even total absence of knowledge. The Chinese Traditional Medicine is originally from the classical antiquity of China, a highly evolved civilization. It should be named Chinese Classical Antiquity Medicine.


See also: The Acupuncture System and The Liquid Crystalline Collagen Fibres of the Connective Tissues
By: Dr. Mae-Wan Ho (PhD) Bio-electrodynamics Laboratory, Dr. David P. Knight (PhD) Dept. of Biological Sciences








The side-effects of the chemical -pharmaceutical- variants or derivatives of plants and herbs, are to be found on a leaflet, with the size of a newspaper. Medicinal Chinese Herbs though, but also medicinal herbs cultivated in the west, are also medicine, and can be as dangerous as pharmaceutical medicine, when used without the advice and guidance of an official registered therapist or doctor. Natural remedies though, like herbs, do not show any side-effect, and are not addictive.







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