
During our life we live with a horizon, created by the views of our parents, family, people, teachers and society around us. This subjective, time related, society related, religion related, and to that level belonging awareness, horizon is keeping you back from being liberated from it, and keeping you away from what you are going to experience when being liberated.

It is a natural need to look forward, behind the horizon, but first it is important to dare to look more to the left and to the right, to remove the narrow minding blinders, and using your metaphorical neck to watch your own personal horizon as far as possible, to broaden your view, your knowledge. Only with a broadened horizon it is possible to catch the total immense universal light source of what is behind it: the spiritual Light of Being. But, the Inward Path is not so easy, and while on that Path one meets lots of misleading traps. Even those who name themselves leader, teacher, guru, priest, imam, or else, and talking the most beautiful words, can be wolves in disguise. You will have to learn to watch through their masks, to learn the see the differences between Light and Darkness, Love and Hatred, Right and Wrong. Every trap is in fact an exam.

In the attached pages is some info to be found, what can be helpful. All will lead to more.

Have a good journey!


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