Norway’s last wild rivers are in danger

NRK published an article in August 2015 about an alarming development in Norway’s politics: the Progress Party (FrP) wants to battle the protection of Norway’s last wild rivers, to exploit them for hydro power. This idea grows out of the international need for more “green” energy: hydro power is considered as “green”, hundred percent “clean” energy. It is not. To create “green” energy while killing life and nature, wilderness, is not clean at all. Neither are the politics of this party. Humanity knows already that progress cannot be found in a world without wilderness. Frp proves it has not read one sentence of its own Arne Næss, who was the world’s first deep ecologist.

In an earlier post I compared the terms “shallow ecology” and “deep ecology”. Frp does not fit in the one and not in the other one. It belongs to ECOnomy. Finances. Money. No matter how. This is really alarming.

Also alarming is the worldwide misunderstanding of “green” and “clean” energy. Hydro power is not for hundred percent clean: Electrosmog is created by electricity, and to transport this electricity entire Norway is more and more polluted with electrosmog, even in national parks, and real wilderness. Info: Norway and its shameless hunt for energy. And, some hydro power plants create noise pollution. A psychological terror is swept under the carpet. More in an earlier post in my blog.

The river Vefsna, one of the until now protected wild rivers, but in danger because of the Frp party, is one of the main salmon rivers in Norway. Watch the videos to understand what “wild” means.



The full article can be read here, and translated via Google Translate.

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